Bachelor of Science in Electronics (Honours) Degree (2:1) from Manchester University (UMIST).

I have university degree in the design of electronics! A Bachelor of Science degree (with Honours) in Electronics from UMIST.

This means I can find exactly whats wrong with your computer and fix it without having to replace the entire logic board.

This makes the repair cheaper!

Ive had a portfolio of careers ranging from electronic design engineer to commercial pilot in aircraft and helicopters.

I started my career at British Aerospace designing and building from scratch a dedicated computer system to control the hydraulic platform of flight simulator.

Unusually I got to design and build the project completely by myself. I designed the circuit board layout, chose the microprocessor, memory and d-to-a convertors and wrote the software to drive it.

I had worked in 11 different countries as a contract software consultant and then decided to pursue a career in flying. That adventure came to an end and I am now back in a ground based role under the command of a small chihuahua who likes me working from home – and I don’t mind that one bit!

Electronics Degree from UMIST in Manchester
Electronics Degree from UMIST in Manchester